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The In-Depth Guide to A/B Testing Your Amazon Listings

The In-Depth Guide to A/B Testing Your Amazon Listings


As an Amazon seller, you understand that success in this dynamic marketplace requires more than just stocking quality products. Your competitor may have similar items, but their pricing strategy, images, or compelling Amazon product optimisation could be the reason for their success. Crafting a compelling listing strategy demands ongoing analysis and research, making it imperative to run split tests on various elements of your listing to identify what resonates best with your audience.

What is A/B Testing and Split Testing?


A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a strategic method for optimising your Amazon listings. It involves experimenting with different versions of product content, images, and pricing to determine what resonates most effectively with your target audience. The critical elements that significantly impact your conversion rate include the Amazon product images, title, product features and description, and pricing.

The guiding principle for any marketer is to “test everything.” In a world where you have the tools and resources to analyse and monitor various aspects of your business, relying solely on intuition and past performance is a missed opportunity. Even minor adjustments, such as refining your listing title, can potentially lead to a tenfold increase in organic traffic.

Why Run A/B Tests on Amazon Listings?

The primary motivation behind A/B testing on Amazon is the quest to identify which specific element of your listing can be a game-changer, potentially driving a significant influx of customers to your product page. While your current conversion rate may be decent, the key is to recognize that there is always room for improvement. Without running tests, you might be overlooking opportunities for enhanced organic traffic and increased sales.

How to Perform A/B Tests on Your Amazon Listings?


The process of A/B testing is a data-driven approach to listing optimization, widely embraced by Amazon sellers. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Record the number of views and conversion rates for one of your product pages.
  2. Make a controlled tweak to your listing and wait for a designated period to collect new data.
  3. Compare the results with the initial metrics to discern if the modification has positively impacted views and sales.
  4. Repeat the process as necessary.

Let’s use this situation for a split test example.

For instance, if you suspect that your product title might be turning customers away, conduct a split test by creating two different versions and running each for two weeks. Analyse the data, focusing on metrics like the number of orders, search volume, and clicks. The version that outperforms the other is the more effective option, providing insights into the improvements needed.

Optimising Your Amazon Product Title Through Split Testing


When it comes to A/B testing your Amazon product titles, the goal is to experiment with and compare at least two versions to determine which one drives more sales. Let’s take another example, this time focusing on men’s running shoes.

Imagine you’re selling a pair of men’s running shoes. Craft two compelling titles for your listing:

Version 1 – Lightweight Marathon-Ready Men’s Running Shoes with Advanced Cushioning

Version 2 – High-Performance Athletic Sneakers for Men

To conduct the A/B test, run Version 1 as your product title for two weeks and then switch to Version 2 for the next two weeks. After the four-week period, carefully analyse the data by tracking key metrics in your Seller Central account:

  • Number of Orders
  • Search Volume
  • Clicks

Evaluate which product title resulted in a significant difference in conversions and sales. The title that attracts the highest traffic and conversions is the more effective one and should become your new title.

You can apply the same testing strategy to various elements such as product images, pricing, and product descriptions. By consistently conducting A/B tests, you’ll gain valuable insights into what resonates with shoppers searching for your product.

It’s important to note that A/B testing aligns with Amazon’s rules and regulations. Ensure you adhere to the official Style Guide to maintain compliance while optimising your listings for better performance.

How to Track Your Listing Metrics?


To identify significant changes in your metrics, analyse Amazon’s business reports within Seller Central. Navigate to Reports > Business Reports > Detail Page Sales and Traffic By Child Item. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Sessions, Conversion Rates, Units Ordered, and Product Sales.

When running A/B tests, ensure each listing version runs for at least two weeks to gather sufficient data. Record start and end dates for each variation, and diligently track metrics like sessions, conversion rates, and units ordered before and after each test.

Introducing the Manage Your Experiments Tool


For sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, the Manage Your Experiments tool is a valuable asset. This tool allows brands to compare two versions of content simultaneously, automatically splitting viewers into two groups. This eliminates the need for manual A/B tests and streamlines the process.

To use the Manage Your Experiments tool:

  1. Hover over the Brands tab and click on Manage Your Experiments.
  2. Create a new experiment, selecting the elements to tweak (A+ Content, Title, Main Image).
  3. Choose your listing, enter product information, and set the test duration (4 to 10 weeks).
  4. Click “Schedule Experiment” and monitor results weekly until the experiment concludes.

A/B Testing Different Elements of Your Amazon Listing

Let’s delve into the specifics of A/B testing different elements:

#1: Images:

In the field of Amazon sales, your product images play a pivotal role in either boosting or hindering your selling strategies.

Given that shoppers lack the ability to physically touch or examine the item, they heavily rely on images to make informed purchase decisions. Subpar images often result in diminished clicks and conversions. However, it’s crucial to note that images aren’t the sole factors influencing conversions.

Once you’ve conducted split tests on your product images and pinpointed the most effective version, extend your optimization efforts to other facets of your listing. Test elements such as the title, price, features, and description to comprehensively enhance your listing’s performance.

#2: Title

Your product title is the first thing shoppers encounter after the main image, appearing prominently in Amazon’s search results. This makes it a prime opportunity to showcase creativity and convey crucial details about your product, such as its texture and functionality.

Take the initiative to experiment with various versions of your product title to analyse their impact on the click-through rate and overall sales. However, it’s imperative to adhere strictly to Amazon’s listing guidelines while doing so. By doing this, you ensure that your titles not only captivate potential buyers but also comply with the platform’s regulations.

#3: Price:

Test different price points over distinct periods and analyse which pricing strategy yields the highest conversion rate.

#4: Bullet Points:

Bullet points provide a valuable opportunity to highlight your product’s features and benefits in an engaging manner. Striking the right balance between information and creativity is key when crafting your bullet point copy. It’s essential to present clear details about what customers are purchasing while infusing creativity to underscore why your product stands out from the competition.

Experiment with different lengths for each bullet point and vary the order in which you present product features. Strive for a concise and impactful style, avoiding overly wordy descriptions that might deter shoppers from reading. Creating a brief and compelling set of bullet points allows you to assess whether it positively influences your sales rate. This approach ensures that potential buyers quickly grasp the value of your product and are motivated to choose it over competitors.

#5: Description:

Your product’s description plays a crucial role in influencing sales, particularly for customers scrolling down on the desktop site or the primary display on the mobile app. Amazon grants up to 2,000 characters for this section, demanding strategic and concise use. While your bullet points convey functionality and benefits, the description allows for a more detailed exploration.

Strategically integrate relevant Amazon product keywords in your description to align with your audience’s search intent. If you’re enrolled in Brand Registry, consider crafting A+ Content, a customizable feature that replaces the traditional text description. A+ Content has the potential to captivate customers and drive purchases. Yet, it’s wise to conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective version for your listing, as A+ Content doesn’t guarantee optimal results every time.

FAQs about A/B Testing on Amazon

1. How long does it take to get test results?

While real-time data is available through Amazon’s Manage Your Experiments tool, wait for at least two weeks for accurate decision-making. Factors like the holiday season may affect statistical significance, so consider additional time for validity.

2. When is the testing complete?

A/B testing is an ongoing process of gradual improvement. To stay competitive and gain an edge in the dynamic Amazon market, continuous testing is essential to identify and address listing gaps.

3. What result numbers are good/bad?

Results are relative and depend on the nature of your product. Even a modest 1% increase in sales can translate to significant monetary gains.

In the busy Amazon marketplace, the key to a successful business is not just about the quality of your products; it’s about how well you present them to potential customers. A/B testing allows you to refine and optimise your listings continually, ensuring they resonate with your audience and maximise your business potential. By understanding the nuances of A/B testing and leveraging tools like Manage Your Experiments, you can stay ahead of the competition and unlock the full potential of your Amazon business. Small tweaks can lead to substantial financial gains, making A/B testing an indispensable strategy for any serious Amazon seller.

Unlock the full potential of your Amazon business with eStore Factory’s trusted Amazon consulting services for A/B testing services! Elevate your product listings, boost conversions, and outshine your competitors. Ready to optimise and dominate the marketplace? Take the first step towards Amazon success – choose eStore Factory’s Amazon experts for your A/B testing needs. Let’s make your products stand out and drive unparalleled sales together!

About The Author

Jimi Patel

Jimi Patel, is a Co-founder and CEO at eStore Factory, an Amazon SPN certified agency that serves as a one-stop solution for all your Amazon business needs. Having helped countless brands increase sales and grow their footprint on Amazon, Jimi provides the most practical and effective solutions for your business. He is highly skilled in developing and executing plans that align with your specific business goals and objectives. When not working, Jimi enjoys practicing yoga and traveling to new places. He is an avid reader and enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the e-commerce industry.