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How to Get Reviews on Amazon: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Product Ratings

How to Get Reviews on Amazon: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Product Ratings

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Amazon is a juggernaut among other e-commerce retailers, standing as a behemoth in the e-commerce industry. Embarking on the journey of becoming a successful seller on Amazon requires a strategic approach, dedication, and a keen understanding of the platform’s dynamics. Various factors influence the success of an Amazon seller. In the bustling landscape of e-commerce, customer reviews on platforms like Amazon can make or break a product. Positive reviews build trust, encourage sales, and contribute to higher rankings. However, getting reviews organically requires strategic efforts. Of course, you need to have the right Amazon consulting experts to guide you through the labyrinth of Amazon. eStore Factory offers the best Amazon consulting services that can help you manoeuvre around Amazon policies and get positive reviews.

Why are reviews important?

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Customer reviews are necessary to convince buyers to go ahead and purchase the product. Most of your potential buyers decide to purchase a product based on customer reviews. The more reviews that people see for your product, the more likely they are to buy it. It is simply human nature to do something instinctively when others are doing it too. Reviews act as social proof for your consumers. And here’s a crazy fact: a product with 4.2 stars having 400 reviews is likely to sell better than a product with a 4.8 rating having 17 reviews.

Positive reviews on Amazon can also significantly influence conversions and sales. Customers usually read reviews to make informed buying choices. A product with a higher average rating generally attracts more buyers, leading to increased sales volume. Meanwhile, negative reviews may discourage Amazon shoppers, resulting in lower conversions.

Amazon utilises a review ranking algorithm for products in search results. Customer reviews, particularly their quantity and quality, play an important role in this process. Products with more positive reviews and higher ratings rank better in search results. A higher ranking helps in elevating your listing so it gets better exposure which helps in influencing sales.

How do I get genuine reviews on Amazon?

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Getting reviews on Amazon is not a difficult task. However, it requires some planning and tracking from your end. As a seller, you first need to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself, “Would I give this product a five-star review?” If not, then you probably shouldn’t expect your customers to give your product a high review either.

So, how exactly do you acquire genuine reviews on Amazon? Well, there are quite a few ways to do it, such as using the Request a Review button, leveraging buyer-seller messages, building an email list, joining the Early Reviewer Program or Amazon Vine, etc. But first, you need to understand the Amazon review policies.

Understanding Amazon’s review policies

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Over the years, Amazon has made considerable changes to its product review policy, which has led to a lot of confusion about the do’s and don’ts of an Amazon product review. So let’s dig into the details to determine what Amazon considers ethical and unethical when it comes to its product review policy. 

Here’s what Amazon states:

Amazon encourages buyers to review the products they like and dislike to help customers make informed decisions about the products they purchase.

To ensure that reviews remain helpful, sellers must comply with our Community Guidelines. For example, you cannot offer compensation for a review, and you cannot review your products or your competitors’ products. You can ask buyers to write a review, but you cannot ask for positive reviews or ask a reviewer to change or remove their review. If you believe a review does not comply with our Community Guidelines, click on the Report Abuse link next to the review. As sellers and manufacturers, you are not allowed to review your products, nor are you allowed to negatively review a competitor’s product.”

Understanding the elements of product review policy

Incentivized Reviews

Offering gifts, discounts, or free products in exchange for reviews is strictly prohibited. While this method can rapidly increase the number of reviews for a product, it poses a risk to the integrity and impartiality of an honest ecosystem of customer reviews.


Review manipulation involves strategically altering or fabricating product reviews to deceive consumers or artificially inflating a product’s positive rating. The prohibition ensures that reviews are authentically retrieved from the customers, thereby maintaining a fair marketplace and safeguarding the reliability of product ratings and reviews.

Soliciting From Specific People

Reviews from close acquaintances, family members, and anyone interested in the product or the business are not allowed. Such reviews are often inherently biassed and do not genuinely represent the product’s quality or performance.

Other Examples of Prohibited Actions in Gathering Reviews

To give sellers more specific knowledge of what not to do when trying to get reviews, here are some examples of violations.

Other Examples of Prohibited Actions in Gathering Reviews

  • Orchestrating campaigns to downvote negative reviews.
  • Giving competitors negative reviews to pull down their ranking.
  • Asking a customer to remove a negative review in exchange for a free product.
  • A seller creates multiple consumer accounts to fake reviews of their products.
  • Redirecting every negative review so it doesn’t reflect on the product listing.
  • Directing all positive reviews on the product listing to maximise the favourable impact.

How to get positive reviews on Amazon?

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Armed with your comprehension of the influence reviews wield on your listings and your adherence to the guidelines, you are now ready to secure them for every order received through Amazon Seller Central. Equally crucial is your adeptness in employing strategies for obtaining genuine and ethical product reviews.

Jot down these strategies and apply them as per your requirements. They will not only benefit your business but also contribute to a positive experience for future customers and foster a collaborative environment that benefits both sellers and Amazon.

  1. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service:

The foundation of positive reviews is exceptional customer service. Ensure timely shipping, respond promptly to inquiries, and resolve issues with professionalism. Satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive feedback.

  1. Optimise Your Product Listing:

A well-optimised product listing increases the likelihood of positive reviews. Provide clear and detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and accurate information. This sets proper expectations and satisfies customers.

  1. Follow Up with Buyers:

Use tools to send follow-up emails to customers after the purchase, expressing gratitude and ensuring their satisfaction. Politely encourage them to share their feedback and assure them that their opinions matter.

  1. Utilise Amazon’s “Request a Review” button:

Utilise Amazon’s ‘Request a Review’ button, a potent feature in Seller Central, which enables you to manually request reviews for orders within four to 30 days of purchase.

This feature can significantly boost your chances of receiving reviews. While manually clicking the ‘Request a Review’ button for each order can be time-consuming, there are automated solutions available to streamline this process.

  1. Offer Exceptional Value:

Strive to exceed customer expectations by providing exceptional value. Whether through unique features, quality craftsmanship, or outstanding customer support, standout products often attract positive reviews.

  1. Run Targeted Promotions:

Consider running promotions or discounts for a limited time. This not only boosts sales but can also lead to increased reviews from customers who got a good deal.

  1. Engage with Customer Feedback:

Respond to both positive and negative reviews. Engaging with customers shows that you value their opinions and are committed to addressing any concerns. It adds a human touch to your brand.

  1. Incorporate Packaging Inserts:

Include a personalised thank-you note or a small gift in your product packaging. Politely ask customers to share their experience on Amazon. This direct approach can yield positive results.

  1. Leverage Social Media:

Promote your products on social media platforms and encourage your followers to leave reviews on Amazon. This can tap into your existing audience and turn them into valuable reviewers.

The primary objective of the program is to stimulate impartial reviews, all the while upholding adherence to Amazon’s review guidelines. It’s important to note that participating in the Early Reviewer Program comes with a price; sellers are charged an enrollment fee for each product included in the initiative.

  1. Build an Email List

Building an email list presents a multitude of benefits when seeking product reviews from Amazon purchasers. By dispatching tailored review requests through post-purchase emails, you facilitate direct and personalised communication, thereby enhancing the probability of securing positive reviews and effectively addressing any potential negative feedback.

Maintaining an email list further proves to be a cost-efficient approach to connecting with your target audience, circumventing the necessity for pricey advertising campaigns.

Final Thoughts

Remember, success on Amazon is a journey, not a destination. By combining a strategic mindset with a commitment to customer satisfaction, you can navigate the complexities of the platform and build a thriving business. Keep learning, adapting, and refining your approach to unlock the full potential of your Amazon seller journey. This is why you have eStore Factory’s Amazon consultant to get you ahead in the game.